Our Mission

The Low Field NMR Facility is dedicated to research on small molecules in organic-, inorganic-, and bio- chemistry areas and is open to all researchers at Rutgers and companies in the neighboring region. The facility house five NMR spectrometers:  Varian VNMRS 500MHz, 400MHz, 300MHz; a Bruker AVANCE Neo 500MHz liquids spectrometers; and a 400MHz Bruker AVANCE III solid-state NMR spectrometer.

Our Services

Various levels of support are available, ranging from access only, to consultations on experiment setup and data collection.


All new users must complete the New User NMR Training course to use departmental NMR instruments. Please complete the online form to request training. NMR trainings are scheduled on-demand basis when two or more users have requested training. A maximum of 5 trainees will be in a session. After completion of the training NMR UserID will be created.

Scheduling/Billing Rates

External users - not collaborating with a PI in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology - must pay a one-time training fee of $100.00 per person. External users can apply for a guest NetID (after completing NMR training) by following the instructions noted on the Computing Services web pages. Once you obtain your NetID, contact a member of the facility staff who will add you as a user of the scheduler.

Use our web-based NMR scheduling application within our building to sign up for NMR time. You will need a University NetID to gain access to the scheduler. Please read our NMR sign-up rules once you have logged into the NMR scheduling web page.


NMR User Type

Billing Rate*

Department Users Check with the department
External Users $100/hr for 300/400/500 MHz NMR

*The billing rates for 300/400/500 MHz NMRs and the solid state 400NMR are subject to change.

Our Instruments

NMR 300Varian VNMRS 300 MHz

Located in the Wright-Rieman Laboratories

. Research on organic and inorganic molecules
. Console: 2 channels
. Probe: H/F and X with PFG
. Software: VNMRJ 2.2C  
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500NMR RSVarian VNMRS 500 MHz

Located in the Wright-Rieman Laboratories

. Research on organic and inorganic molecules
. Console: 2 channels, Autotune
. Probe: AutoXDB with PFG
. Software: VNMRJ 4.2
. VT range: -250C to + 1200C
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Bruker Avance NeoBruker Avance Neo 500 MHz

Located in the Advanced Instrumentation Facility

. Liquid State NMR
Console: 2 RF channels
. Probes: RT-DR-BF/1H-5mm- Z-SP iProbe with automatic tuning and 24 sample case auto sample changer. VT-range: -80oC to +125oC
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