Name: Manessa Lormejuste
Major(s) and Minor: Major in Chemistry, Minor in French
Year: 2017
How did you decide on your major?
I decided to be a chemistry major as an alternative to pursuing pharmacology. Through chemistry I realized I could apply my knowledge to the field of cosmetics.
What was it about your chosen field (and the department) that appealed to you?
I was always interested in chemistry. What appealed to me the most was the high-level of science that was required for the field. It is a combination of theory, practicality and analytics that define the subject.
What was your favorite class/professor within your major?
Instrumental Analysis by Dr. Gene Hall!
What were your favorite academic experiences outside of your major?
Outside of my major I had the opportunity to study abroad in Paris, France. It was an extremely transformative experience. Having such great exposure to an alternative culture is why I am keen on continuing to travel today.
What were your other Rutgers activities?
While at Rutgers I was an LSAMP scholar, a member of the SAS honors program, and the public relations chair of the Rutgers Chemistry Society.
What are your plans following graduation?
Following graduation, I will be pursuing a Masters of Business and Sciene degree focused on personal care science. I will also be starting a job as an associate research chemist at L'Oréal.