2001, October 4-6, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Interpretation and Intellectual Change in China: An International Conference on the History of Chinese Hermeneutics
Chen, Kuang Yu: The Book of Odes: A Case Study of the 2600 Years Chinese Hermeneutic Tradition.
Shijing.new Copy | Hermeneutics - Scribd

2005, November 19-20, 東 海大學,台中,Tunghai University, Taichin, Taiwan
東海大學甲骨學國 際學術研討會
陳光宇:《商代多伯多臣與肉食者》(A new interpretation of Shang titles that contain the character duo)
甲骨學 國際學術研討 會地點:臺中東海 大學 (International Conference on Oracle Bone Inscriptions,)
殷 墟花园庄东地甲骨研究论文目录 - 先 秦史研究室

2006, August 11-14, 安陽,河南, Anyang, Henan, China
中国安 阳庆祝殷墟申遗成功暨纪念YH127坑发现70 周 年国际学术研讨会
陳 光宇: 《試論漢字起源定點與世界古文字溯源 比較》
2006中 国安阳"庆祝 殷墟申遗成功暨纪念127甲骨 坑发现70周年 国际学术 ...
漢 字起源提前1200年

2008, March 8, Columbia University, New York, New York
Early China Seminar, Columbia University
Chen, Kuang Yu: The identity of the major players described in Huayuanzhuan Dongdi OBI

2008, October 11-15, 長春,吉林
紀 念中國古文字研究會成立三十周年國際學術研討會
陳 光宇: 《世界四種古文字的起源時空與文字結 構》(The four original writings: The time, space, and form of their genesis)
"纪念中国古文字研究会成立三十周 年国际学术研讨会"会议综述
复旦大学出土文献与古文字研究中 心--"纪 念中国古文字研究会成立三十 ...
美 国罗格斯大学陈光宇教授来我校作学术报告 - 兰州大学文学院欢迎您
美 国著名学者陈光宇教授参观大地湾遗址- 大 地湾人的个人空间- 天 水 ...

2009, May 1-2,Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
International Conference on East Asian Confucianism: Interactions and Innovations Chen, Kuang Yu: Analysis of Zixia's role in developing Confucianism and in bridging Confucianism and Legalism http://www.ciru.rutgers.edu/international-conferences/134-may-2009

2009, August 13-16, 烟台,山东Yantai, Shandong, China
纪 念王懿荣发现甲骨文110周年国际学术研讨会
陳 光宇:《兒氏家谱刻辞之子与花东卜辞之子》
纪念王懿荣发现甲骨文110周年国际学术研讨会论 文集_百度百科

2009, Oct 25, Columbia University, New York
Chen, Kuang Yu: Beginning of writing in China: a comparison with other original writings

2009, November 18-19, 安陽,河南
首 屆中國文字發展論壇暨紀念甲骨文發現110周年學術研討會
陳 光宇:《從甲骨文看漢字起源的時空背景與模式》
中 国文字发展论坛暨纪念甲骨文发现110周年 学术研讨会在河南安阳开幕
中 外专家齐聚甲骨文故乡共商中国文字发展_时政 频道_新华 网

2010, June 28-29, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
International Symposium on Chinese Classics and Thought
陳 光宇:《孔子與先秦諸子所行之道》Dao-A road trodden by Confucius and other Pre-Qin Intellectual Leaders
June 28, 2010 International Conference: Chinese Classics & Thought
Chinese Classics and Thought
CIRU flyer:Layout 1 - National Taiwan University

2011, November 11-13, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
兒氏 家譜刻辭 綜述 及其確 為真 品的證 據_天下倪氏网
家譜新說之 一| 丰盛港路二十二支
www.xianqin.org "商 代与中国上古文明国际学术研讨会"在美国罗格斯 ...

November 11-12, Rutgers Univeristy, New Brunswick, NJ
An International Conference on Shang and Early Chinese Civilizations (1600-800 BCE)
Shang Conference

2012, April 6-7, Columbia University, New York, NY
An International Conference on the Early History and Archaeology of Qin
Chen, Kuang Yu 陳 光宇: Cinnabar and Mercury Industry of Qin and Early China
BEFORE EMPIRE - Columbia University

2012, August 8-10, 高青, 山東
甲骨學暨 高青陳庄 西周城址重大發 現國際學術研討 會
陳光宇: 《甲骨刻辭塗朱與商代硃砂》
甲骨 学暨高青陈庄西 周城址重大发现国际学术研讨会在我县召开
《甲 骨学暨高 青陈庄 西周城址重大发 现国际学术研讨会论文 集(2012中国 ...

2012, October 23-25, 复旦大学,上海 Fudan University, Shanghai
中 国古文字研究会第十九届年会
陳 光宇: 《從硃砂到不啎鼄》
复 旦大学出土文献与古文字研究中心--第十 九屆古文 字學年會在上 海舉行

2012, October 27-28, Minneapolis, Mennesota
Beyond the First Emperor's Mausoleum: New Perspectives on Qin Culture
Chen, Kuang Yu: Cinnabar and Mercury Industry of Qin and Early China
Beyond the First Emperor's Mausoleum. New Perspectives on Qin Art ...

2013, November 21-22, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
International Conference on"Traditional Chinese Medicine and Contemporary Society: Theory
And Practice in the Global Age"
Chen, Kuang Yu: A Hypothesis on the Molecular Basis of Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine
November 21-22, 2013 International Conference: Traditional Chinese ...

2015, May 29-31, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
The Chinese Writing System and Its Dialogue with Sumerian, Egyptian, and Mesoamerican Writing Systems
Chen, Kuang Yu: Dating the Origin of Chinese Writing: Evidence from Oracle Bone Inscriptions

May 30-31, 2015 The Chinese Writing System and Its Dialogue with ...
[Conference] The Chinese Writing System and Its Dialogue with ...

2015, June 25-30, The University of Chicago Center in Beijing and Fudan University Shanghai
Signs of Writing conference
Chen, Kuang Yu: A Spatiotemporal Model for the Genesis of Chinese Writing System
Events & Programs - The University of Chicago Center in Beijing

2015, December 4, Glen Ridge, NJ
Chen, Kuang Yu: Qin Terra-cotta Soldiers, Qin Empire, and Early China

2016, July 2 -3, 吉 林大学文学院 Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China
"文 化中国/东 亚:现代中国民族意识、全球主义和现代中国文化的兴起"国 际学术研讨会International Conference: "Cultural China/East Asia: Modern Chinese/East Asian National Consciousness, Globalism, and the Rise of Modern Chinese/Asian Culture"
陳 光宇: 《秦骨汉魂:全球视野下考察中国文化的连续与断裂》
现代 中国民族意识、全球主义和现 代文化的兴起 - 吉林大学文学院-新闻动 态
文 化中国/东 亚:现代中国民族意识、 全球 - 吉林大学社科处